InCites Consulting S.A.

InCites Consulting S.A. is an SME company established in Luxembourg. It was founded on May 2013 and its main activities rely on telecommunications techno-economics, regulatory economics and policies, demand forecasting, business and price modeling.

InCites Consulting S.A. experts have a profound experience in telecommunications systems and techno-economics with a rich collection of papers in scientific journals and conferences while they have participated in numerous International projects.

Roles in the project

  • Dissemination and Exploitation leader
  • Investigating the business perspectives of the solution proposed
  • Conducting a market analysis identifying entrance barriers, opportunities and competitors' characteristics to define the business model
  • Performing a techno-economic analysis of the proposed solution which will be compared to competitive solutions

Reference contacts

  • Dr. Ioannis Neokosmidis
  • Dr. Theodoros Rokkas
  • Vangelis Logothetis
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